Hindi Varnamala in English: Swar, Vyanjan [Chart PDF]

Hindi Varnamala in English

Learning Hindi is not difficult. However, it is impossible to do so without first learning the Hindi Varnamala. It is an essential part of the Hindi language. Learn Hindi Alphabet is a simple and easy to learn method. This article will assist you to knowing more about it.

Origins of the Hindi Language

India, Nepal, Singapore, and South Africa are the predominant Hindi-speaking regions. It is an Indo-Aryan language. Worldwide, around 600 million people speak Hindi, out of which 342 million are native speakers. According to historical records, the first recorded use of Hindi was in the 4th century AD. Hindi using the Devanagari script to write it at the moment. Although originally, Hindi wrote in the Brahmi script.

Hindi Varnamala Letters

Hindi varnamala letters are the basic building blocks of the Hindi language. It contains consonants and vowels and has its original sound. It is not a fragmented or fragmented sound.

Learn Hindi Varnamala in English

Hindi Varnamala has alphabets for the Hindi language. The Hindi alphabets is used to write down words and phrases. There are 46 letters in the Varnamala, known as Akshar. These letters are divided into two parts – 13 vowels and 33 consonants. The Hindi vowels are Sawar Varna and the Hindi consonants are Vyanjan Varn. Like English, Hindi is also written from left to right.

The following are the 13 vowels (Sawar Varna)

The following are the 33 consonants (Vyanjan Varn)

Hindi Varnamala Vyanjan
Varnamala Vyanjan Picture

How to Write Hindi Varnamala?

Always learn the basics first. This will make your foundation strong and will make your knowledge Hindi learning journey smoother.

So, your first step is going to be knowledge Hindi learning the lines which are used in written Hindi. For example – sleeping line, standing line, loop, curve, etc. If you are thorough with this, you will understand that these lines are used to write Hindi letters.


Start practising Hindi words without any ‘Matras’. Not sure what ‘Matra’ is? Do not worry. After consonants, the changing nature of vowels is referred to as matra. However, let us not get things mixed up and write meaningless words without using matra. So, first, practice the shapes given below as we will be using them while writing in Hindi.

Standing line    |

Sleeping line    —

curve                ⊂

Reverse curve  ⊃

loop                  σ

Swar (Hindi Vowels)

Start with Vowels (Sawar). Now you will learn the 13 vowels (Sawar) in hindi.

अ, आ, इ, ई, उ, ऊ, ऋ, ए, ऐ, ओ, औ, अं, अ:

Learn the Hindi letter ‘अ’.


First start from the middle line and then make a reverse curve up to the baseline. After that, again make a reverse curve from the baseline towards the lower line. On the middle line, make a sleeping line which touches by joining the curve. Then make a standing line from the middle to the baseline. Now put a sleeping line above it towards the middle line.

Let’s move to the next hindi letter ‘आ’


Begin from the middle line while making a reverse curve upwards to the baseline. Again, reverse the curve from the baseline towards the lower line. Draw a straight sleeping line on the middle line while touching the curve and joining them. Then draw two standing lines from the middle line to the baseline. In the end, put a sleeping line above it towards the middle line.

And our next Hindi letter is ‘इ’.


Make a tiny standing line from the middle line to the centre of the baseline. Then make a curve and then a reverse curve, after this add a loop at the lower line. Then, draw a sleeping line above it towards the middle line.

In a similar fashion, you can practice by writing down all the Hindiletters in the vowels of the Hindi language:

अ, आ, इ, ई, उ, ऊ, ऋ, ए, ऐ, ओ, औ, अं, अ:

Vyanjan (Hindi Consonant)

Now you will learn the 33 consonants (Vyanjan) in hindi.

क, ख, ग, घ, ङ, च, छ, ज, झ, ञ, ट, ठ, ड, ढ, ण, त, थ, द, ध, न, प, फ, ब, भ, म, य, र, ल, व, श, ष, स, ह

Move to Consonants (Vyanjan)

Let’s start with the first consonant ‘क’


First, make a straight standing line from the middle line to the lower line and, after that, make a complete curve towards the left side of the straight standing line. Then curve it towards the right side of the straight standing line. After this, put a sleeping line above it, towards the middle line.

Next hindi letter is ‘ख’


Draw a reverse curve from the middle to the baseline along with an arch downwards the curve. This will be followed by a circle, and then make a straight line from the middle to the lower line. Now put a sleeping line above it towards the middle line.

In a similar manner after some practice, you can start writing the other hindi letter consonants in the Hindi language as well:

क, ख, ग, घ, ङ, च, छ, ज, झ, ञ, ट, ठ, ड, ढ, ण, त, थ, द, ध, न, प, फ, ब, भ, म, य, र, ल, व, श, ष, स, ह

Hindi Varnamala Chart

hindi varnamala chart

Varnamala Hindi (Alphabets) With Pictures

The Hindi alphabet is a collection of letters. In order to learn Hindi, we must all begin with the Hindi alphabet. There are two types of letters in the Hindi alphabet: vowels and consonants. Varnamala with pictures here to assist children in learning and recognizing the Hindi alphabets.

Hindi Varnamala Swar
Hindi Varnamala Vyanjan

Learning Video

Varnamala PDF

Hindi Varnamala PDF is available. Link: Download

What are Hindi Flash Cards?

Hindi flash cards are the most effective way to introduce your child to the Hindi Varamala. It will help to gain a strong foundation for Hindi language learning.


Final Words

So, there you have it. This was a simple step-by-step guide to learning Hindi Alphabets from the basics. Make sure you practice well and follow the steps mentioned. After revision and practice, you will be able to write the Hindi Varnamala without any difficulties. All the best on your learning journey!


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