Have you ever seen a goldfish in the store and wondered what is the scientific name of goldfish? Goldfish are one of the most popular pets, and they’ve become so ingrained into our culture that even children know their scientific name. But as many of us know, it’s not always easy to remember the names of these little fishies. Here’s an easy guide to understanding the scientific name for goldfish.
What Is a Goldfish?
The scientific name for a goldfish is Carassius auratus, which means “golden carp” in Latin. The species of the fish was originally found in Southern China. But now they have been introduced to environments all over the world. Goldfish are freshwater fish that are commonly kept as pets by children and adults. They have a lifespan of roughly 3-5 years, and they grow to be about half an inch long at first and go up to four inches long by the time they die.

What Is the Scientific Name of Goldfish?
The scientific name of your fish depends on the type of goldfish. The scientific name is the Latin name that is used to identify a species of fish. The scientific name is composed of two parts, Genus and Species. For example, the scientific name for a common goldfish would be Carassius auratus, which is the genus and Carassius auratus the species.
Do I Need to Know the Scientific Name for Goldfish?
You don’t have to know the scientific name for your fish, but it can be helpful for a number of reasons. It’s important to note that not all goldfish need a scientific name–only ones that are sold in pet stores. If you’re purchasing a goldfish from someone who owns their own fish tank, they might not have any reason to know the scientific name for their fish.
Another reason to know the scientific name is so you can help identify if your goldfish has been injured or if there is something wrong with it. If you’re worried about your pet, knowing its scientific name can give you peace of mind.
How Do You Spell Goldfish?
Goldfish are spelled with a “g” because they’re a type of carp.

Did You Know That “Gold” Used to Be a Type of Fish?
The scientific name for a goldfish is Carassius auratus. This fish has been around for centuries in a variety of forms, but the most popular and well-known is the common goldfish. Goldfish are named after the Chinese word “Koi,” which means “golden.”
Did You Know That There Are Different Types of Goldfish?
Goldfish are categorized into one of three types based off their body shape. There are the flat-bodied, round-bodied, and tear-shaped goldfish. The scientific name for your goldfish will depend on what type they are. This is because each type has a different scientific name that describes their body shape. Some examples of the scientific names for goldfish include:
✅ Common Goldfish Scientific Name: Carassius auratus
✅ Oriental Goldfish Scientific Name: Carassius auratus orientalis
✅ Koi Goldfish Scientific Name: Carassius auratus koi

Goldfish are a popular species of fish, but not everyone knows what their name is. While the scientific name of your goldfish might not be important, knowing how to spell their name can be very helpful.
Goldfish are a type of live-bearing fish that spend most of their time in the water. The scientific name for a goldfish is Carassius auratus, but they are also commonly known as koi, carp, or guppy. The scientific name is Latin meaning “golden” and they are often referred to as “golds.” Goldfish come in a variety of colors and sizes, but the most commonly used names are black and white. Some other common names include black moor, red cap, veiltail, and yellow. Goldfish can live for around six years, but they are generally considered to be a short-lived species. Though goldfish are considered to be a short-lived species, they can still grow up to ten inches long.