Top 7 Premium Poker Hands

Poker is a thrilling game that involves guile, odds, and the cards at hand. Indeed, all important components of the game must not be ignored. Yet, having a premium is a crucial advantage that is capable of shifting the game in your favor. Then, if you choose your moves carefully, you will find many things falling into place for you at the poker table.

For this reason, you should understand more about the tools you need to arm yourself while playing poker. To lend you a hand, this comprehensive guide will provide insight into the best poker premium hands you can have. So, keep on reading!

Premium Hands: What Are They?

In a game of poker, premium hands are considered the strongest hole card hand combinations that a player can get before the flop or preflop. For instance, in a No Limit Texas Hold’em Poker, 169 premium hole card hands exist and they are considered the best combinations of hold card hands a player can get. For this reason, it can be wise for players to target these premium hands to win a poker game.

Top Premium Hands in Poker

Your chances of winning a poker game can be significantly improved by scoring yourself these combinations of hole card hands. This section will look into the best premium hands in poker.

Pocket Aces

A player with this hand combination holds two aces. It is regarded as the best hole card hand combinations to get in a poker game. Among all possible 169 combinations of hole card hands, this combination is the best. The odds of scoring a pair of pocket aces in a game are 1 out of 221. Your chances of winning are significantly improved when you get pocket aces.

Besides this, making use of bonuses, including Find out more, alongside pocket aces is a dream for most players.

Pocket Kings

This combination is made up of two kings. This is another hole card hand combination, which is regarded as one of the best a player can score in a poker game. After all, its value is only surpassed by pocket aces. For this reason, it is considered the second-best premium hand. This hand combination is also known as Cowboys or king kong. 

Pocket Queens

This combination consists of two queens that a player can get. This hole card hand combination ranks as one of the best hole card hand combinations that a player can get. Pocket Queens is considered the third-best combination of hole card hand a player can score. For this reason, it is one of the highest poker premium hands. Pocket Queens is also known as Ladies.

Pocket Jacks

Players holding this hand combination have two jacks. Among the possible 169 combinations of hole cards hands, this also ranks as one of the best a player can have in a poker game. In fact, it is the fourth-best hole card hand combination. Pocket Jacks is a hand combination that is also known by many names, including jaybirds, brothers, and fish hooks.

Ace – Kings Suited

As the name probably implies, this hand combination consists of two cards: the first one is an Ace and the other is a King. Both cards are of the same suit. Being second only to pocket Jacks, this hand combination is one of the best combinations of hole card hands that a player can arm themselves with in a poker game. This combination is often considered a great start to a game for a player that wishes to score a flush or a royal flush.

Pocket Tens

Players holding this have a hand combination that consists of two cards of the rank 10 (10). Being considered the fifth best premium hand out of the 169 possible hope card hand combinations, as well as the second only to pocket Ace-Kings suited, it is a good hole card hand combination to have in a poker game.

Ace King Off-Suit

As the name probably implies, this hand combination consists of two cards: the first one is an Ace and the other is a King. Both cards are of the same suit. Being second only to pocket tens, it is safe to affirm that Ace King Off-Suit is one of the highest poker premium hands a player can arm themselves with. For players who are ready to score a straight and get a high card hand combination, this hand combination is a great start to a game.


There are several components of poker and these are what make the game so interesting. Lots of dynamics are in play to determine whether a player can win or lose a game. Having a premium hand is a good way to improve your chances of winning. Yet, it is even imperative to understand the best premium hand in poker according to their value.


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