All of us are familiar with the Instagram accounts that have amassed hundreds of thousands of followers thanks to the star of the account being an animal. With more than 2 billion active users per month, Instagram has become this virtual universe where anybody, even animals, can get famous.
This year has seen a slew of popular Instagram Reels featuring animals. So, what will it take in 2023 to make your pet Instagram famous? We’ll give you all the top pet tips in this post.
It’s All in the Name
If you have a lot of pet images, but don’t want to overwhelm your friends with them on your personal account, you can set up a social media account only for your pet. Plus, your pet will have its own individual account that can expand over time.
The username you come up with should be simple to type. No spaces or underscores; preferably just one word. The most successful accounts use a play on words and are memorable and creative. If you want your pet’s account to be easily searchable, use your pet’s name as the Instagram handle.
If you want to increase your profile’s visibility and popularity on Instagram beyond just picking a clever name, you can research and do a comparison of Instagram growth services to grow your following. By working with a trusted growth agency, you’ll be on the right track to building an organic following.
Be Consistent with Instagram Features
Consistency is essential if you want to build an engaged audience, particularly with the ever-changing algorithms. If you want more interaction, try posting at least once a day. In the beginning, you could even publish twice a day to give yourself a bigger boost.
Include your pet in your Instagram Stories. A lot of people follow popular pets on Instagram because they like seeing what famous canines are up to each day. Exhibit your animal companion in its element. Fun, behind-the-scenes footage, such as the animal cuddled up on the sofa or chasing its tail, is what can set an account apart from the others.
For the sake of continuity, it’s also important to make proper use of the various features. Instagram is a great place to share photos of your pet, so long as you remember to tag relevant companies, talent agencies, and other popular pet accounts. After that, provide a location and some hashtags. Focus on the more specific hashtags that apply to you and your pet.
You can use the hashtag ‘#PetsofInsta’ every once in a while, but keep in mind that it’s already quite popular and is unlikely to attract many new followers to your account. A more precise hashtag might be ‘#BostonTerriersofInsta’ if your dog is a Boston Terrier. When it comes to expanding your pet’s social media following, hashtags are crucial. Make use of both popular and more niche hashtags depending on your pet’s breed.
It’s Time to Mingle
The key to making your pet famous is wanting it and working toward that goal. If you want your pet to progress from being a common family pet to a famous celebrity, you’ll have to put in some effort.
Among these activities is the pursuit of more prominent Instagram accounts, such as the Dogs of Instagram. If they showcase your pet, their audience will get a taste of how cute your pet is and maybe decide to follow your account so they can see more. Spend some of your time interacting with popular accounts and their audiences. You might assume that the people who follow them and comment on their posts will also be interested in following your pet’s account. So, engaging with them socially will provide the desired number of new followers.
In addition, pay attention to your photos. Take pictures of your pet doing adorable things whenever possible, then upload them to their account in the form of a narrative or feed post.
Get in Touch With Brands
You shouldn’t let anything prevent you from contacting businesses you’d want to collaborate with. Being a micro-influencer has numerous benefits, including those you might enjoy while building your pet’s social media following.
Get in touch with the companies whose products you’d want to feature and offer them posting choices. Whether it’s in exchange for a free item, a paid advertisement, a shoutout in a Story, etc. Create a plan to achieve your most ambitious and ideal teaming goals.
There is no barrier to you contacting businesses about potential collaborations. Sponsored postings with major businesses might help your pet become more famous on social media.
Final Thoughts
Remember that progress takes time! You shouldn’t expect your pet’s account to suddenly skyrocket in popularity. These are quite rare on social media platforms nowadays. Instead, it needs diligent effort, careful preparation, and some very entertaining and original content creation. However, it is not impossible.