Kickboxing Principles That Will Make You a Better Fighter

Kickboxing Principles That Will Make You a Better Fighter

Kickboxing has principles that are essential to success in this sport. When you learn the principles, your chances of flourishing are higher than when you lack knowledge about them. Kickboxing is a stand-up fighting style that focuses on striking, and no ground fighting is allowed. It has various techniques other than punching skills, including kicks, elbow, and knee strikes. Most people practice kickboxing for various reasons, like fitness, self-defense, competitions, and weight loss. All kickboxing tactics are based on several principles, which are listed below.


When you are attacking the opponent, you should be able to judge the distance accurately between you and them. San Diego kickboxing gyms have enough coaches to train you about distancing. For instance, if you are not close when you throw a technique, you won’t generate any power and end up reaching the opponent. If you are close enough to the competitor and throw a punch, you will likely get your leg jammed. This is why you should be keen during practice to understand the distances and unique skills in each. When your distancing skills are enhanced, you can study the distance and make decisions that can make or break your success.


To become a professional martial artist, you must be good at defensive fighting. When you lack defensive skills, your ability to win a competition may be low. That’s why you should equip yourself with self-defense skills for you to be able to handle even tough opponents. Some techniques you should apply in defense include parrying, redirecting a punch with your hand, blocking, dodging, sidestepping, and returning. If you find yourself facing a powerful puncher, you should be sure that he will be looking for a target, and the earlier-mentioned defense techniques can save you.


A skilled kickboxer can be similar to a chess player. This is because they use feints to set up skills so that they score the opponent with ease. Feinting can keep your opponent guessing, which can be a moment for you to fill them with fake anticipation and knock them out. For a feint to be convenient, you must throw it with force. Otherwise, your competitor might not fall for it. Feinting requires a lot of practice to be good at it.


There is no kickboxing technique that can be effective without timing. You may have the most incredible kickboxing skill, but without timing, it will turn out useless. Timing requires speed, distance, and direction. To test this, here is what you should try. Stand a few meters from your opponent and slowly throw punches at them. They utilize various defense skills, and they can improve your reflexes and blocking skills. To develop good timing, you should be attentive to your partner’s core, not their face.

Before learning any kickboxing technique, you should determine if it will help you maintain excellent physical and mental health, defend yourself, relieve stress, and raise your focus. It’s up to you to figure out if you are willing to get through the sport without having to compete or sparring. If you are yet to give kickboxing a shot, you should try it today.


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