You had breast augmentation surgery and may be considering upgrading your implants through an implant revision surgery. There are many reasons for this, but the revision always has to be done through a surgical procedure.
Breast implants usually have a lifetime warranty on the implants themselves, but the cost of a breast implant revision is normally only covered for 10 years after the implants are placed. Because of this, many people who have implants plan on having revision surgery before that 10-year mark passes.
Why Would Someone Need a Breast Revision?
Breast revision surgery is sometimes needed to correct issues that occur with the initial implant. This could be a failure of the implant, excess scar tissue, or rippling. Placement of the implants is another problem that can be fixed with revisions.
Another reason for breast implant revision surgery is the desire to correct the appearance of the implants. A revision can correct problems like sagging or settling implants, which can be the result of pregnancy or breastfeeding. Weight loss and lifestyle changes can also lead to the need for revision surgery.

How is a Breast Revision Surgery Planned?
A breast revision surgery is planned based on the goal of the person who’s having it. Surgeons will do exams and other checks to determine what’s necessary to meet those goals. It’s imperative that the patient chooses a surgeon they can trust to do the procedure.
Some breast revision surgeries are more intensive than others because of the depth of work that needs to be done. In some cases, you may have to have new pockets created for the implants, but the same incision can usually be used. The exception to this typically occurs if the surgeon is doing a breast lift that requires the nipple to be repositioned.
Before the surgery, the surgeon will ensure that you’re in good health so you can remain safe during the surgery. You have to go under anesthesia for the breast revision surgery, so you need to be in decent health.
During the surgery, you will be closely monitored by a team of medical professionals to ensure that your vital signs are stable. They will address any issues that occur during this time. While many of these procedures are done in surgical centers, others are done in hospitals. The method for receiving emergency care varies depending on the location where the surgery is being done.
What’s the Healing Like After a Breast Revision?
The healing that you’ll face after a breast revision depends on the specifications of the surgery. You will receive detailed care instructions from your care team after the surgery. You can also contact your care team if you have questions or concerns after the surgery is done. Most surgeons, including those with CosmetiCare, offer phone support throughout the recovery phase.
The recovery is usually similar to the initial breast implant surgery, but some people won’t need as long to heal if the revision is a simple one. Still, it’s best to err on the side of caution after these procedures.
You can expect to have to take time off work. Some patients have a drain placed during the procedure that may require special care. You’ll need to take it easy for a while after the surgery but you do need to get up and move around some. Most people who have this type of surgery will have limitations on how much weight they can lift.
Plan on sleeping with your upper back and head elevated for the first week after the surgery. This helps to prevent swelling in the surgical area. You’ll experience pain, bruising, and itching in the period following the surgery.
Some surgeons recommend compression bandages to provide support to the area. It is important to follow the surgeon’s instructions exactly as they’re provided because they take the specifications of your surgery into account.
How Can You Enhance Safety During a Breast Revision Surgery?
One of the most important things you can do to ensure you’re going to remain safe during your breast revision In Orange County is to work with an experienced surgeon. When you can trust your surgeon and the team that will care for you, it’s possible to feel more at ease when you go in for the procedure.
You can also help to enhance your safety by making sure you understand exactly what’s going to happen. Your consultation and any appointments you have prior to the surgery are chances to ask questions to ensure you know what’s going to happen. A breast implant revision surgery is usually necessary to correct issues with the initial surgery. Making sure that your surgeon understands the goals you have for the procedure and that they can safely complete it is important so you get the results you desire without unnecessary risks.