Vacations can be fantastic vehicles through which to recharge your batteries and get a break from the monotony of your everyday surroundings. Of course, the high costs associated with such travel excursions can put a damper on even the best-laid vacation plans. While going on vacation is always going to set you back a little, there’s no reason for you to break the bank every time you need to get away. Anyone interested in saving a bundle on their next vacation is urged to heed the following pointers.

Travel During the Off-Season
There’s little wonder as to why summer is commonly regarded as the busiest season for travel. In addition to many schools and businesses having time off, the consistently agreeable weather conditions make summer the ideal season for many individuals and families to embark on travel excursions. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with summer travel, it can’t be denied that it generally comes at a cost. So, if you’re interested in vacationing during the summer, be prepared to deal with high airfare and lodging costs.
This is where off-season travel can serve you well. Since various airlines, hotels and resorts are desperate for business during the off-season – particularly the fall and winter months – budget-conscious vacationers can often find amazing deals during this time of year. Furthermore, many popular destinations boast attractions and activities that can only be enjoyed during the off-season. As such, if you aren’t married to the idea of summertime travel, an off-season vacation can provide you with a cost-effective good time.
Take Advantage of Rental Car Discounts
Renting a car can save you a fair amount of time, money and hassle throughout your next vacation. Relying on public transport can be inconvenient, while regularly using taxis or ride-share services can be pricey. While the perceived cost of renting a vehicle may turn off cost-conscious travelers, scoring a rental car is far more affordable than you may think – particularly with the right discounts.
Many of us are eligible to receive rental car discounts that we’re not even aware of. For example, AAA and many credit card companies provide cardholders with discounts at various rental car chains. Furthermore, many corporations and schools provide rental car discounts to employees and alumni, respectively. You can save even more money by renting vehicles without unnecessary amenities. For instance, if you have a reliable GPS app on your phone, there’s no real need to rent a vehicle with built-in GPS.
Travel to Smaller Locales
In addition to being expensive, vacationing in widely-popular locales can be downright inconvenient. Not only are you constantly contending with large crowds, you barely have time to focus on personal enjoyment. This is why it’s important to remember that not every vacation destination has to be somewhere loud, congested and pricey.
The U.S. is a big place, and as any seasoned traveler can attest, many of the country’s best vacation destinations are considerably more quaint than you may imagine. A relaxing trip to the North Fork Long Island beaches, for example, can leave you relaxed, fulfilled and sold on the idea of more modest vacation locales.
Place Limits on How Often You Dine Out
Dining at new restaurants and sampling new cuisine are among the foremost staples of a good vacation. However, eating every meal at a restaurant can quickly eat away at your vacation budget, particularly if you have a large travel party. With this in mind, try to place limits on how often you dine out throughout the course of your vacation. For instance, you could prepare you own lunch while eating breakfast and dinner at restaurants. You may also want to consider booking a stay at a hotel that provides meals to guests at no extra cost or travel packages that include large restaurant discounts.
There are numerous perks associated with taking regular vacations. In addition to providing you with a good time, vacations can leave you refreshed and reenergized – which can prove particularly beneficial to people with demanding jobs or busy personal lives. Unfortunately, high travel costs often prevent us from embarking on vacations as often as we’d like. However, this doesn’t necessarily have to be the case. In the interest of making travel excursions more affordable, put the previously discussed pointers to good use.