Appropriate clothing is like an art. Mr. Zack Pinsent of Brighton, England, is a fantastic individual. In Regency-era style, he dresses in gorgeous clothes and has that unique superpower to sew everything by his Pinsent tailoring.

Zack Macleod Pinsent – An Old School Millennial
In today’s times, boys are busy indulging in ripped jeans, tongue piercings, and torn tee shirts! But Zack Pinsent is one young gentleman who believes in keeping it old school. A 14-year-old Zack first got introduced to the world of historical clothing when he stumbled upon a box full of his great-grandfather’s clothes and it was love at first sight! He felt more at home in a three-piece vintage suit than he ever had in a regular pair of jeans and tee-shirt.
He completely abandoned the concept of modern age clothing by burning his last pair of jeans. And there was no looking back for him. Zack started dressing up in historical clothing every day, he started by shopping from vintage stores and then, later on, began stitching these vintage clothes. His sense of fashion screams unique and makes him stand out!
For him fashion isn’t just about wearing clothes, it is more of an outlet to express himself. His clothes give him a sense of confidence that he explains jokingly – makes him feel about 10 feet tall. From time to time, he gets stopped on the streets by random strangers who ask him whether he is playing a particular role for a movie or a play but he simply tells them that dressing like this is his way of life! The reactions that follow are mostly of awe and respect and as for the others, Zack is way too busy playing dress-up to be bogged down by them. The vintage clothes that he wears are in reality an extension of his personality and he finds immense joy in dressing up like a prince even if he is just running some mundane errands.

Pinsent Tailoring
Zack Pinsent, today at 25 done and makes clothes inspired from the period between the 1660s to the 1920s. His area of interest is the Regency and Georgian period. Zack’s passion for historical clothing bloomed professionally with the birth of Zack MacLeod Pinsent tailoring.
He now makes and sells historical clothing to customers all over the world who share his love for historical clothing. The best thing about Zack Macleod Pinsent Tailoring as a brand is that no matter how old they are in style they have a very modern outlook for the benefit of the society and environment at large. They make use of natural fabric to make the clothes is commendable. Pinsent tailoring as a brand promotes sustainable fashion. The outfits that Zack makes for himself and others are made with a lot of research and are hand-sewn by him using materials and techniques from the old times to give it an authentic vintage touch. It takes a minimum of two and a half three weeks for Zack to make a single formal suit, which just goes to show his dedication and passion for his job. One would think that with the kind of formal clothes Zack wears it would take him hours to dress but he says it just takes him ten minutes as it has been inculcated in his routine.
In a world full of people beginning to look like clones, Zack MacLeod Pinsent’s being effortlessly “extra” makes him a class apart.