How to Do Vajrasana (Diamond Pose) and Vajrasana Benefits

How to Do Vajrasana and Its Health Benefits

Are you thinking of starting yoga? Well, one must be wondering what asanas need to be practiced. We can start with a basic one – the Vajrasana which is widely known as Diamond Pose or Thunderbolt Pose. This yoga pose is beginner-friendly and will help to develop mindful awareness. This pose helps to connect to our spiritual self while exercising this pose. In short, Vajrasana has numerous health benefits and this article will guide how to perform this yoga properly. The benefits of Vajrasana are also discussed in this article. Vajrasana can change the outlook towards life and helps to get in great shape if it is practiced regularly. This yoga pose is much more gentle than other gym and is ideal for beginners when done correctly.


Everything You Need To Know About Vajrasana

What is Vajrasana in Yoga?

Vajrasana pose is a simple sitting yoga that is considered as the best move for breathing exercises and meditation. This simple magical asana of yoga can be done even after lunch or dinner. It is also called Diamond pose and can be followed with the regular practice of other breathing work out such as pranayama, Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom by sitting in this pose. The name Vajrasana is a Sanskrit word that is a mixture of two words – ‘vajra’ and ‘asana’. Vajra is referred to as ‘Diamond’ or Thunderbolt, and asana means ‘Pose’. Therefore it is also called Diamond Pose. Regular practice of this exercise makes an individual stronger and healthier as Diamond. It is called by several other names, such as Adamantine Pose, Pelvic Pose, Thunderbolt Pose, and Kneeling Pose.

How To Do Vajrasana Step By Step?

Here are the instructions to follow the steps of how to do Vajrasana yoga for beginners to increase self-confidence and better health. These are the following simple steps:

Step 1. Sit on the flat floor or yoga mat by kneeling.
Step 2. The knees and ankles should be folded backward and point the feet in line with the legs. The bottoms of the feet should face upward by touching the big toes.
Step 3. We should exhale sitting back on our legs. Buttocks will rest on the heels and thighs will rest on our calves.
Step 4. Our spine, neck, head, must be straight while we start breathing and eyes must be closed.
Step 5. We need to adjust our thighs and pelvis slightly backward and forward till we feel comfortable.
Step 6. Our head should be straight to gaze forward, keeping our chin parallel to the floor.
Step 7. We should keep the right palm on the right knee and left palm on the left knee with elbows in a straight line.
Step 8. Breathe in and out at a natural speed for at least five to ten minutes.

How to Do Vajrasana

Duration of Vajrasana

If anyone is thin and trim with a flat stomach, the individual will definitely want to maintain this figure. It is advised to practice Vajrasana regularly, after taking meals. The person will never regret it. These steps of Vajrasana should be practiced for 5 to 7 minutes after lunch or dinner, then we can take a break. Slowly we can increase the period for 15 to 20 minutes. This pose can be practiced before having food also.

Benefits of Vajrasana

According to several studies, Vajrasana has numerous positive health benefits. It is considered as one of the best poses for concentration and meditation. This posture helps to strengthen different muscles connected with the knees and is known as strength gaining program for the knees. The back muscles get highly stretched while performing this pose and this is one of the best truths about Diamond pose. Among the many Vajrasana benefits, this benefit is much useful and familiar at the same time. This asana will also assist us from stomach ulcer issues with frequent practicing and it removes acidity issues as well. It helps an individual to digest a full meal easily.

The posture of Vajrasana is highly recommended and preferred for meditation pose. To get the proper benefit of this meditative posture, Slow and rhythmic breathing should also be practiced while performing Vajrasana yoga. The posture has been proved to be beneficial for several cognitive benefits. These are:

• Helps to eliminate Myalgia (pain in a muscle or group of muscles) in the knees, legs, feet, and lower back.
• This asana is useful for hypertension and improves concentration-based performance.
• It helps in assisting indigestion and gas formation.
• It reduces or prevents whole constipation problems.
• It works great in strengthening pelvic and thigh muscles.
• Thunderbolt pose helps in keeping the mind calm and helps to stabilize the emotions. It will make one more mentally balanced and obtain spiritual clarity while practicing this pose.
• It benefits to relieve knee pain and strengthens sexual organs.
• It helps in the treatment of urinary problems and promotes the working of our spleen, kidneys, and intestines.
• It helps in assisting abortion correlated problems in women.
• It increases the blood circulation to the lower abdominal part and separates blood blockages.
• It helps to reduce obesity. The fatty belly and stomach will get reduced by repeating this asana frequently.
• It acts as an analgesic (painkiller) in patients suffering from arthritis.
• It gives release from sciatic pain and reduces menstrual cramps.
• It works great for pregnant women to make sure normal delivery and is ideal for reducing labor pains.
• The diamond pose helps to improve willpower and Kneeling in this position and stretching our back in the advanced modifications helps to improve our flexibility.
•  It reduces nervousness and stress, which always haunts us.

Benefits of Vajrasana

Precautions of Vajrasana

According to some bone specialists, few things need to be kept in mind before performing this Vajrasana yoga.

1. This particular asana should not be practiced by people suffering from joint pain: This might cause more disturbances to the knees and might make the condition of knee more worse. If a person is undergoing knee pain, it is recommended to fix the pain before starting this yoga pose. According to a study about Vajrasana yoga, it is found that this posture may result in foot drop which can cause the damage of the common fibular nerve. This yoga can hamper and damage the dorsiflexion of the foot. This can be the reason behind the excessive pain.

2. Recently, the maximum of the main toe point injury was due to this yoga pose. It is recommended to visit a doctor or a specialist as soon as possible in case of this type of injury. This injury might be something much more serious.

3. While walking, a person may feel a huge pain in the toes which might be the harmful effects of this particular asana pose. A sensory loss of the dorsal part of the foot can occur. It causes loss of sense which might occur in the anterior and lower lateral portion of the leg. This mysterious side of Vajrasana is also known as “yoga foot drop”.

4. It is recommended to practice this yoga pose under expert guidance. It is also advised to check with the doctor before one starts a yoga program.

5. Those people who are suffering from certain conditions like knee or spinal cord concerns or issues. People suffering from intestinal ulcers, hernia, or any other problems related to the large or small intestine should do this pose under the supervision of a yoga instructor.

Vajrasana can be practiced during periods but one should perform the pose gently. One can avoid bending too much and needs to be gentle on our knees.

Precautions of Vajrasana

Tips for Trainees to Begin Vajrasana

This is a relatively simple kneeling pose with several benefits, including assisting with digestion, constipation, and hypertension.

• Diamond Pose needs to be practiced minimum for three minutes.
• There is no time limit for practicing Diamond Pose. It can be continued as long as an individual believes to be contented.
• It is recommended to do Diamond Pose in an open place and silence area so that our mind is at peace and we get fresh air while performing breathing exercises attached with the Diamond Pose.
• There is no specific Schedule for Diamond Pose and this asana can be even performed just later than meals.

Advanced Pose Modifications

Another important and advanced fact about this diamond pose is the Supta Vajrasana yoga pose. It is an extremely useful and common version of this yoga posture and is the rested version of the Vajrasana yoga. In this, once we sit for Vajrasana, the forearms and elbows should rest on the floor to the sides of the bum. One should bend backward and palms should be kept facing upwards. It is also called the Reclined Hero Pose or yoga posture. Then, our dorsal spine and neck should be arced until the base of our head touches the floor or is supported with a thin pillow.

This asana helps in strengthening the muscles in the neck, back, and chest regions. It also increases the chest and decreases lung problems. However, it is essential to learn the Vajrasana before trying this pose. It is recommended to practice the Supta Vajrasana under the guidance of a yoga instructor.

Essential Facts About Diamond Posture

Vajrasana is a Sanskrit word, and “Vajra” means “thunderbolt” which also means diamond. That is the reason why this asana is called a diamond yoga posture. “Asana” stands for “seat” which means posture. Generally, asanas are performed on an empty stomach as enough pressure is felt on the stomach while doing any yoga posture. But, this Vajrasana can be performed at any time even just after having a meal.

Many yoga practitioners prefer to perform this yoga with their stomach full or just after a meal as this asana aids digestion. It is considered to be more effective to perform this yoga after a meal as it will assist from all digestion issues. If it is practiced after lunch or dinner, it helps to relieve constipation, acidity and increases digestion.

However, there is no disadvantage of Vajrasana if one is doing with an empty stomach. This will start acting as an exercise of the muscles stretching exercise for the legs.

For the first time, one should get out of this pose slowly. Gently our knees and hands should be brought forward, and slowly have to get up from the floor. It is advised not to rush because one might risk hurting or cramping the muscles if moved too fast.


The Way To Make The Vajrasana Pose More Healthy

In case anybody finds the Vajrasana pose uncomfortable, one should contact the yoga instructor immediately to make sure that one is doing it correctly. Some techniques one can use to relieve discomfort include:

• For ankle pain, a folded blanket or another similar padding should be put under the limbs. The blanket should be properly positioned so our toes hang off the back.
• For knee pain, a folded blanket or towel should be placed across our calves and tucking it behind our knees.
• For sitting discomfort, a yoga block can be placed between our feet horizontally. By supporting some of our weight can take the pressure off ankles and knees.

Diamond Pose what is vajrasana

The Scientific Reason Behind Vajrasana

The Vajrasana is a calm, steady, firm pose, and cannot be shaken easily. It is a meditative pose, but still sitting in this pose can be pretty challenging. One needs to overcome the pain in the legs and the unrest in the mind to understand the pose and start a meditative mood. One has to train themselves to sit still and should be willing to invest their mind in it. The Vajrasana helps to regulate blood circulation in the lower pelvic section. This asana helps to increase the efficiency of the digestive system as sitting on the legs reduces the blood flow in the legs and increases it in the digestive area.

Preparatory Poses

These poses are warm-up poses that need to be done before starting to learn how to do Thunderbolt pose. This prep poses for Vajrasana helps to gently stretch our muscles and this will ensure that we don’t get a muscle pull while practicing this pose. There are two types of preparatory poses. They are:

1. Ardha Shalabhasana
2. Shalabhasana

Follow-Up Poses

These are the follow-up poses that need to be done after Vajrasana. They are:

1. Makarasana
2. Balasana
3. Shavasana


This article is all about how to do Vajrasana perfectly and it’s health benefits, so let’s start. Vajrasana is a perfect mixture of strengthening the body and concentrating the mind. It is one of the easiest asanas in yoga with few challenges to make sure our mind and body are perfectly calm.


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